Danish general election
3 |
22 |
Parlamentswahl Litauen 2012
6 |
25 |
Hamburg state election, 2025
7 |
21 |
Schleswig-Holstein local elections, 2013
8 |
110 |
Flensburg local election, 2013 (small parties)
8 |
41 |
Liechtenstein general election, 2025
7 |
31 |
Salzburg local election, 2024
9 |
37 |
9 |
26 |
Steiermark local elections, 2025
5 |
20 |
US Senate election in Maine, 2012
8 |
30 |
Parliamentary election Spain 2011
10 |
37 |
Salzburg mayoral election, 2024
11 |
35 |
Israeli legislative election, 2021
8 |
32 |
Waidhofen/Ybbs local election, 2022
12 |
31 |
12 |
35 |
Grossratswahl Kanton Bern 2014
12 |
53 |
Gemeindevertretungswahl Saalfelden / Salzburg 2014
12 |
41 |
Parliamentary election Denmark 2011
12 |
35 |
Vienna local elections, 2025
12 |
28 |
Vorarlberg local elections, 2025
3 |
21 |
German general election in Bavaria, 2025
8 |
29 |
12 |
33 |
Icelandic parliamentary election, 2021
13 |
18 |
Baden-Württemberg state election, 2021 (small parties)
13 |
47 |
Gemeindevertretungswahl Stadt Salzburg 2014
13 |
38 |
Landesergebnisse der FDP bei der Bundestagswahl 2013
13 |
45 |
Landtagswahl Steiermark
14 |
44 |
Liechtenstein parliamentary election, 2013
14 |
35 |
Gemeinderatswahl Burgenland 2012
14 |
42 |
Portuguese legislative election, 2024
15 |
18 |
Portuguese legislative election, 2022
15 |
20 |
German general election, 2021 (special market)
7 |
26 |
South Tyrolia parliamentary election 2013
15 |
46 |
Kantonsratswahlen 2012 - Kanton Schaffhausen
15 |
31 |
German general election, 2025
16 |
30 |
Norwegian parliamentary election, 2021
16 |
20 |
Landtagswahl Niedersachsen 2013 - Einzug FDP / Linke / Piraten
16 |
55 |
Rhineland-Palatinate state election, 2021
17 |
22 |
Europawahl Lettland 2014
17 |
19 |
Kommunalwahl Karlsruhe 2014
17 |
67 |
Europawahl Deutschland 2014 (Kleinstparteien)
17 |
49 |
Parlamentswahl Ungarn 2014
14 |
29 |
Kommunalwahl Flensburg 2013
17 |
62 |
Grossratswahlen 2012 - Kanton Basel-Stadt
12 |
35 |
17 |
98 |
17 |
60 |
17 |
77 |
German general election, 2025 (direct seats)
12 |
27 |
Baden-Württemberg state election, 2021
18 |
53 |
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremerhaven 2015
18 |
53 |
19 |
47 |
Berlin state election, 2023
20 |
55 |
Ukrainian parliamentary election 2012
13 |
31 |
20 |
70 |
Graz local election, 2021
19 |
35 |
US Presidential election, 2012 (electoral votes - swing states)
14 |
37 |
Senate elections - Canton Aargau
21 |
222 |
Bavarian state election, 2023
22 |
57 |
Lower Saxony local elections, 2021
9 |
31 |
17 |
55 |
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Essen 2015
16 |
34 |
USA - Massachusetts
22 |
50 |
22 |
180 |
Hamburg state election, 2025
14 |
40 |
Kaernten state election, 2023
21 |
45 |
Saarland state election, 2022
22 |
46 |
German general election, 2021 (party ranking)
15 |
36 |
Bürgermeisterwahl Stadt Salzburg 2014
23 |
34 |
Gemeinderatswahl Krems 2012
21 |
37 |
Volksabstimmung zum Nichtraucherschutz
18 |
32 |
Hessen state election, 2023
23 |
50 |
British General Elections, 2015
22 |
45 |
Bürgermeisterwahl Saalfelden / Salzburg 2014
24 |
58 |
Dtl. - Kl. Parteien (interner Markt)
24 |
113 |
German general election, 2021 in Bavaria
12 |
41 |
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremen 2015
23 |
70 |
Kommunalwahl Neumünster 2013
25 |
74 |
US Presidential election, 2012 - 538 market
16 |
47 |
Federal election Berlin 2011 - small parties
25 |
64 |
Kantonale Wahlen Zürich 2011
25 |
46 |
Kommunalwahlen Hessen 2011
25 |
50 |
Öst. - BP-Wahlbeteiligung
26 |
75 |
27 |
163 |
Niederösterreich state election, 2022
23 |
42 |
German general election, 2021 (small parties)
13 |
42 |
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Dresden 2015
28 |
63 |
Bürgermeisterwahl Hallein / Salzburg 2014
28 |
72 |
United Kingdom
28 |
79 |
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats
29 |
457 |
Dtl. - Überhangmandate
29 |
84 |
29 |
70 |
29 |
79 |
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremen 2015 (kleine Parteien)
30 |
81 |
Schleswig-Holstein federal election 2012 (small parties)
30 |
200 |
Rhineland-Palatinate state election, 2021
31 |
55 |
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Stuttgart 2012
25 |
58 |
31 |
49 |
Swiss Senate elections 2015
31 |
95 |
32 |
68 |
North Rhine-Westphalia federal election 2012 (small parties)
32 |
108 |
Ralf Stegner
33 |
97 |
33 |
67 |
Rendsburg-Eckernförde local election, 2013
34 |
91 |
Landtagswahl Burgenland 2015
35 |
42 |
Schl.-Holst. Wahlbeteiligung
36 |
58 |
36 |
144 |
Berlin state election, 2021
23 |
60 |
Hessen local elections, 2021
37 |
43 |
Rhineland-Palatinate state election, 2021 (small parties)
38 |
45 |
38 |
226 |
Peter Harry Carstensen
38 |
94 |
Niedersachsen federal election, 2013
40 |
127 |
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Kiel 2012
40 |
439 |
Schleswig-Holstein federal election 2012
40 |
468 |
Landtagswahl Rheinland-Pfalz 2011 - Kleine Parteien
40 |
41 |
Landtagswahl Baden-Württemberg 2011
40 |
189 |
Bürgerentscheid Lübeck - Wahlbeteiligung
40 |
65 |
Kantonale Wahlen Luzern 2011
41 |
48 |
41 |
141 |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state election, 2021
42 |
50 |
Oberösterreich state election, 2021
42 |
54 |
Bürgerentscheid Lübeck
42 |
75 |
42 |
74 |
42 |
69 |
NRW - Kleine Parteien
43 |
87 |
Schl.-Holst. - Kleine Parteien
43 |
86 |
German soccer champion 2009
43 |
108 |
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen
44 |
345 |
45 |
66 |
US Presidential election, 2024 (WTA market)
40 |
76 |
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties
47 |
293 |
Weltmeistermarkt 2010
48 |
97 |
Karlsruhe mayoral election 2012
49 |
179 |
Upper Austria
50 |
151 |
North Rhine-Westphalia
51 |
193 |
Volksentscheid Bayern
52 |
91 |
52 |
139 |
Gemeinderatswahlen Graz 2012 (kleine Parteien)
53 |
95 |
Kaernten federal election, 2013
42 |
105 |
Dtl. - Wahlbeteiligung
59 |
126 |
German general election, 2021
62 |
81 |
63 |
214 |
Landtagswahl Baden-Württemberg 2011 - Kleine Parteien
64 |
66 |
Federal Convention Germany
64 |
101 |
German general election, 2025
46 |
104 |
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden
69 |
211 |
North Rhine-Westphalia
71 |
104 |
74 |
146 |
Österreich - Bundespräsident
79 |
112 |
Swiss House of Representatives election 2015 – big parties
88 |
363 |
Landtagswahl Rheinland-Pfalz 2011
89 |
121 |
89 |
176 |
1. Bundesliga
91 |
170 |
Graz local election, 2013
98 |
144 |
Dtl. - Bundeskanzler
140 |
213 |
183 |
559 |
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties
188 |
609 |
201 |
275 |