Matthhew on political stock market

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Market ranking - current rank

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
Hessen - Koalition 3 121
Hessen - Wahlbeteiligung 3 84
Schweiz - Volksabstimmung 3 44
SPD-Vorsitzender 6 62
Oscar 09: Foreign Language Film 7 60
CH - Volksabstimmung am 08.02.2009 7 78
EM-Spielemarkt 7 81
Gruppe A 7 87
Schleswig-Holstein (closed market) 9 31
Italy 9 59
Kommunalwahl Hessen 2016 10 26
Thüringen - SPD 10 35
Ypsilanti 11 74
Referendum Berlin 12 109
Konjunkturpaket 12 80
Fussball: U21-EM 13 50
Hamburg - coalitions 13 121
Oscar 09: Actor in a Leading Role 14 57
Slovenia 14 66
Republican Primaries 14 80
United Kingdom 15 79
Schl.-Holst. - MP 16 88
Österreich (intern) 16 63
Europameister 16 122
Dtl. - Wahlbeteiligung 17 126
Hamburg 20 179
Republican Presidential Nominee 2012 23 85
24 - 7th Season III 24 75
Fußball: Dt. Meister 25 80
Germany 25 180
USA Elections 2008 25 294
Hesse 25 319
German soccer champion 2009 26 108
2. Bundesliga 27 103
Saarland - Koalition 28 121
Thüringen - MP 28 103
Sachsen - Koalition 29 88
Petition for a referendum Berlin 29 87
Fußball: 1. Bundesliga D 29 143
Hessen 2009 (intern) 29 32
Aufsteiger 1. Bundesliga 30 70
Saarland - MP 30 100
Thüringen - Koalition 30 103
Germany (closed market) 30 30
Bayern-Koalitionen 30 73
Gruppe D 30 76
Wimbledon Championships 2009 (Men) 31 64
Bayern - Ministerpräsident 31 68
Dtl. - Bundeskanzler 32 213
North Rhine-Westphalia 33 104
Beste Schauspielerin 33 55
Lower Saxony 33 154
Dtl. - Drittstärkste Partei 34 124
Democratic Primaries 34 132
Österreich - Neuwahlen 35 132
Sweden 36 68
Israel - Ale Yarok 37 65
1. Bundesliga Deutschland 2011/2012 32 62
Champions League Gr. A 39 65
Schl.-Holst. - Koalition 39 166
24 - 7th Season II 39 66
USA - Massachusetts 43 50
Bavaria 43 51
Australian Open 2008 (Women) 43 47
Oscar 09: Best Picture 46 59
Gruppe B 47 92
Fussball Europa-Meisterschaft 2012 49 117
Australian Open 2009 (Women) 52 80
Iceland 53 92
Israel 55 100
Australian Open 2008 (Men) 55 60
Australian Open 2009 (Men) 57 80
Hesse 57 245
Tirol - Koalition 59 66
Gruppe C 59 80
South Tyrol 65 85
USA -Ohio 66 75
Schleswig-Holstein 66 103
Dtl. - Ministermarkt 67 94
USA - 538 67 71
Italien - preferred 67 82
Dtl. - Koalition 69 252
Europameister 1 69 72
Fußball: Herbstmeister 71 96
USA - Florida 71 77
Dieter Althaus 72 78
Bavaria 73 169
GOP Presidential Nominee 2016 74 100
Dtl. - Kl. Parteien (interner Markt) 75 113
USA - Senate 2008 75 97
USA - House 79 89
Dtl. - Überhangmandate 80 84
Austria 81 144
Kärnten 86 137
SPD-Vorsitzender 90 124
Lower Saxony - coalitions 94 101
1. Bundesliga 95 170
Hessen - Neuwahlen 95 129
Fußball: 1. Bundesliga D 95 122
Niederösterreich 97 106
Opel 103 123
Saarland 105 163
Hessen - Die Linke 111 130
Hessen - Drittstärkste Partei 125 134
Bavaria 126 132
SPD-Kanzlerkandidat 136 156
Republican Candidate 163 166
Schleswig-Holstein 172 214
Hesse - coalitions 215 257
USA - President 218 221
Federal President Germany 244 251
Austria 260 725
Democratic Candidate 292 310
Tirol 334 397
Germany 460 559
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Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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