pretti on political stock market

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Current posts from pretti

Market ranking - current rank

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
UEFA Europe League Gr. L 2 48
Liechtenstein 4 48
Starmania Finalrunde 4 13
Austria 5 144
Australian Open 2009 (Men) 5 80
Luxembourg 6 50
Lithuania 6 57
Champions League Gr. G 9 58
Dtl. - Ministermarkt 9 94
Hessen - Wahlbeteiligung 9 84
Vancouver 2010 - Curling H 11 48
Fußball: Herbstmeister 11 96
24 - 7th Season VII 11 45
Czech Republic 11 65
French Open 2009 (Men) 11 53
Wimbledon Championships 2009 (Women) 12 56
Latvia - Riga 13 42
Italy 13 74
CH - Volksabstimmung am 29.11.2009 - I. 14 27
Ski Alpin - Damen 15 49
Ski Alpin - Herren 15 47
Zürich - Regierungsrat 15 25
Oscar 09: Best Picture 15 59
Bayern 1 15 72
UEFA Europe League Gr. F 16 39
French Open 2009 (Women) 16 48
Hessen - Neuwahlen 16 129
Schweiz - Bundesrat 2010 17 69
Dtl. - Piraten - Rechte 17 113
Vorarlberg 18 87
In eigener Angelegenheit 18 39
24 - 7th Season III 18 75
Sweden 18 68
UEFA Europe League Gr. G 19 49
Portugal 19 33
Wimbledon Championships 2009 (Men) 20 64
Israel - Ale Yarok 20 65
Dtl. - Drittstärkste Partei 21 124
CH - Volksabstimmung am 29.11.2009 - III. 22 45
Dtl. - Überhangmandate 22 84
24 - 7th Season VIII 22 42
CH - Volksabstimmung am 29.11.2009 - II. 23 43
EU-Ratspräsident 23 39
EU-Außenminister 23 30
USA - House 23 89
CH - Volksabstimmung am 27.09.2009 24 31
24 - 7th Season V 24 54
Upper Austria 26 151
Federal Convention Germany 27 101
Australian Open Men Singles 2011 28 31
North Rhine-Westphalia 28 104
US-House election 2009 28 47
Beste Schauspielerin 28 55
24 - 7th Season I 29 85
Fussball: U21-EM 31 50
tipp3 Bundesliga 26 56
Vancouver 2010 - Goldmedaillen 33 69
Poland 34 66
German soccer champion 2009 34 108
Finland 35 53
Oscar 09: Foreign Language Film 35 60
Thuringia 36 146
Czech Republic 37 67
Dtl. - Koalition 38 252
Belgium 38 49
Greece 39 44
USA - Senate 2008 39 97
Österreich - Kärnten 39 132
Ukraine 40 60
Australian Open (Men) 40 54
tipp3 Bundesliga 41 52
Bayern-Koalitionen 41 73
Landtagswahl Rheinland-Pfalz 2011 42 121
Champions League Gr. B 42 57
Saarland - Koalition 42 121
Herbstmeister Österreich 43 46
USA - Massachusetts 44 50
Portugal 44 53
UEFA Europe League Gr. C 45 50
Oberösterreich - Koalition 45 50
Brandenburg - Stärkste Partei 45 78
24 - 7th Season VI 45 47
Oscar 09: Actor in a Leading Role 46 57
United Kingdom 47 79
Vancouver 2010 - Eishockey 48 64
Australian Open (Women) 48 55
Latvia 48 70
24 - 7th Season II 49 66
Konjunkturpaket 49 80
Champions League Gr. A 51 65
Brandenburg - Koalition 51 94
Germany 51 559
Denmark 52 67
Hessen - Die Linke 53 130
France 54 71
Car trends AUT 55 68
Saarland - MP 55 100
Ireland 55 66
Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2012 / Qualifikation Gruppe A 56 57
Nederland 57 70
USA - 538 57 71
Dieter Althaus 58 78
24 - 7th Season IV 59 71
USA -Ohio 61 75
Österreich - Wahlkarten 61 67
Car market AUT 62 62
Petition for a referendum Berlin 62 87
Greece 63 77
USA - Florida 63 77
Hungary 64 79
Suisse - Federal Council 2009 65 79
Wolfgang Clement 70 88
FPÖ 72 171
USA - President 73 221
CH - Volksabstimmung am 08.02.2009 74 78
Australian Open 2009 (Women) 74 80
Schleswig-Holstein 77 141
South Tyrol 77 85
European Parliament 78 85
Israel 78 100
Opel 79 123
Österreich - Tirol 80 124
Germany 82 180
SPÖ 82 155
Stärkste Partei 82 198
Salzburg 83 114
Schweiz - Bundesrat 2008 87 88
Neue Regierung 87 96
Iceland 89 92
Klubanzahl 90 142
Dtl. - Wahlbeteiligung 92 126
Brandenburg 92 176
BZÖ 93 168
Referendum Berlin 95 109
Landtagswahl Sachsen-Anhalt 2011 97 118
Österreich - Koalitionen 98 113
2. Bundesliga 99 103
SPD-Vorsitzender 104 124
USA Elections 2008 104 294
Bavaria 108 169
Germany 111 226
KPÖ - BZÖ 112 129
Hessen - Drittstärkste Partei 114 134
Bürgerschaftswahl Hamburg 116 132
Wahlbeteiligung 116 141
Dtl. - Bundeskanzler 120 213
GRÜNE 120 194
Hessen - Koalition 121 121
Federal President Germany 127 251
Kärnten 131 137
Saxony 134 146
Große Koalition 135 163
1. Bundesliga 137 170
ÖVP 138 171
Landtagswahl Baden-Württemberg 2011 146 189
Saarland 146 163
Hesse 152 245
Schleswig-Holstein 156 214
Bundeskanzler 176 220
Dinkhauser 210 220
LIF 223 234
Österreich - SPÖ 443 505
Austria 2 651 661
Austria 689 725
Austria 2006 1,370 1,700
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Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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