asterix (metasystix) on political stock market

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Market ranking - current rank

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
Italien 1 70
Euro 2012 - Gruppe A 2 51
1. Bundesliga Österreich 2011/2012 2 23
Germany 2 559
Fussball: U21-EM 2 50
Israel 2 109
Bundespräsidentenwahl Österreich 2016 3 154
Österreich - Wahlkarten 3 67
France - Mandate 3 57
Wien 3 176
Nationalratswahl Österreich 2013 4 327
Wimbledon 2011 - Gentlemen's Singles 4 22
Vancouver 2010 - Goldmedaillen 4 69
tipp3 Bundesliga 5 56
Rheinland-Pfalz 5 91
Baden-Württemberg 5 114
Vancouver 2010 - Curling H 6 48
Herbstmeister Österreich 6 46
Deutschland 6 171
Deutschland 2 7 27
1. Bundesliga Österreich 2012/2013 8 38
Fussball Europa-Meisterschaft 2012 8 117
GRÜNE 8 194
Burgenland 8 139
Fussball Europa-Meisterschaft 2016 9 65
Austria 6 9 46
Vancouver 2010 - Curling D 10 48
Sachsen-Anhalt 10 123
Fußball-WM 2014 11 59
Euro 2012 - Gruppe D 11 55
Austria 2006 13 1,700
Euro 2012 - Gruppe B 15 57
Wimbledon 2011 - Ladies' Singles 11 24
Fußball: WM 2010 17 103
Italien - preferred 17 82
Fussball-WM der Frauen 2011 19 52
Gruppe H 19 63
Europameister 19 122
Österreich (intern) 20 63
Gruppe E 21 71
Steiermark 21 180
Gruppe A 22 66
Eurofighter 22 47
Gruppe F 25 66
Vancouver 2010 - Eishockey 25 64
Euro 2012 - Gruppe C 26 52
Suisse - Federal Council 2009 28 79
Gruppe B 32 75
Neue Regierung AT 40 93
France 2007 50 74
Ministermärkte 51 204
Österreich - Neuwahlen 52 132
weitere Märkte AT 52 238
Gruppe D 57 72
Gruppe C 57 68
Austria 2 61 661
FPÖ 65 171
Österreich - Kärnten 66 132
Austria 129 725
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Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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